Katya’s Teacher Training Workshop

To learn more about our Teacher Training Program Visit our Volunteer Portal Here: Free Portland Teachers Program at Digital Dabblers!


Our second free teaching workshop on Saturday, at 1 PM!

This free workshop will focus on teaching folks new to teaching (or just wanting some support!) how to develop a workshop. We’ll start with an overview of backwards course design and how I approach creating educational experiences then, we’ll have work time to develop your own workshop ideas using some templates so that you can leave the session with a lesson plan for a future workshop of your own


We’re excited to announce our first free teaching workshop coming soon! This workshop is designed to help artists who are new to teaching (or those seeking additional support) develop their own workshops.

From your instructor: Hello! I’m Katya Gorecki – I’m the Educational Programming Consultant for Digital Dabblers. I’ve been teaching in universities, middle school programs, and various other capacities for over a decade. Designing and teaching your own class for the first time can be overwhelming – and can kick up a lot of imposter syndrome that doesn’t help either! Whether you’re totally new to teaching, taught before and want a refresher or just some like minded folks to bounce ideas off of to get more involved in Digital Dabblers, you’re welcome here.

In this workshop, I’ll be sharing some methods I’ve used to simplify the process of thinking about what you want your students to learn and how to get them there. I’ll provide you with templates based on programs taught at Digital Dabblers to draft your own workshop to share your unique skill set so that by the time you leave you’ll have a plan to teach your own session. If you’ve never taught before, I promise you know more about it that you think you do looking forward to seeing you in class!

CODE OF CONDUCT (Please read before RSVP)

  • Expectations for Classroom Participation: It is expected that participants will maintain a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, be challenged, and communicate their needs to the host(s). It is OK to leave class for small breaks but we cannot hold-up the class for a student who is absent for more than 5-10 mins. at a time.
  • Support Your Peers: At Digital Dabblers events it is impossible to offer a "one-size-fits-all," experience (but we do our best!). Some folks may join with more experience than others. If you are familiar with a topic, and notice a fellow classmate struggling, offer to help! If you are struggling with any of the material please speak up and let a host or classmate know. Because we cater to beginners and intermediate artists, it is essential that be build a supportive environment for folks at all levels to succeed.
  • Persistent Negativity: When students are persistently negative this drags the mood and experience down for all attendees. As an organization and organizers we are not perfect! And many things are outside our control (parking can fill-up on weekends, students join with a wide skill range, and some may present cognitive and physical disabilities). We are receptive to all feedback, and offer accommodations to the best of our ability, but are a very small organization with no full-time paid staff and rely 100% on volunteers to carry out our services. While we are proud to say we have the help of industry professionals, and offer in-depth instruction, we charge $30/mo. and attendees should not expect this is a University or Accredited institution with a vast array of resources charging $1000+ for their classes.
  • Expectations for Arriving On-time: If an event is not listed as "drop-in," it is expected that participants not arrive more than 15-20 minutes late to an event. In some cases we may not be able to permit entry past this point.
  • Always RSVP before attending an event: Please RSVP before every Digital Dabblers. Individuals who do not RSVP on the website and agree to our code-of-conduct will not be permitted to attend.
  • Please check website regularly: If an event is cancelled, or our schedule changes, we do our best to inform students via email. Please check the website before attending any events to ensure they are still happening (if an organizer gets sick for example a last minute cancellation can occur).
  • Respect for all attendees: Treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of background, experience, or perspective.
  • Respect for the host(s): Please treat the host and the space with respect at all times.
  • Inclusive language: Avoid using offensive or discriminatory language.
  • Appropriate sharing: Share information and experiences in a respectful and mindful manner. Avoid oversharing personal details or sensitive information. Please be mindful of specific topics of NSFW art when discussing with everyone in earshot. It's important for folks to provide consent to hear/partake in certain discussions.
  • Health and well-being: While open communication is encouraged, excessive discussion of personal health issues may not be appropriate for a social setting.
  • Mental Health: Digital Dabblers is not a mental health facility. Individuals who express thoughts of suicide or are perceived to be in-crisis will be referred to the appropriate services for their needs. In some cases individuals may be removed from our services if their behavior poses a risk to the organization or to their peers.
  • No hate speech or discrimination: Any form of hate speech, discrimination, or harassment will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid political discussions: To maintain a positive and inclusive environment, please refrain from discussing political topics.
  • Policy for Removal: Digital Dabblers bylaws permit the President or any officer/director to remove an individual from services at their discretion.
  • Ability to Appeal a Removal:  Digital Dabblers bylaws permit an individual to appeal their removal from the community to the board of directors within 30 days of being notified. Past this point, individuals may re-join after 1 year and by vote from the board of directors.


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